What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat?

What Does Pending Mean on Snapchat

You sent a message to your friend on Snapchat and it shows “Pending” instead of delivered. If you are a Snapchat user, then this would have surely happened with you. This happens because your message is not delivered to the recipient yet and the reasons could be any.

No need to worry about Pending Status because there can be any reason for that. And yes, there are fixes for pending on Snapchat. So, then there’s a question in your mind i.e, what does pending mean on Snapchat and how can I fix it. In this post, we will look through the reasons and try to find the answers for fixing it.

Pending on Snapchat mean

Reasons for “Pending Status” on Snapchat

A Snapchat Pending Label message is either shown under a friend’s name with a Grey arrow or label in the chat’s tab. That means that Snapchat is not able to deliver your message to that particular person due to certain reasons. Here we are going to look for reasons why Snapchat shows pending message instead of delivered.

So, this error can be because of the following reasons:

1. You are not friends with that person on Snapchat

You both must have friend’s on Snapchat first & then only you can send messages to each other. Here you are getting a pending message because the reason may be, that you have sent a friend request to that friend and that person hasn’t accepted your request yet.

The solution for this is that you have to wait till your friend accepts your requests on Snapchat and after that, you will see your message delivered label instead of Pending.

2. They Might be Unfriended you on Snapchat

The second reason for this is that they might have unfriended or removed you as a friend on Snapchat. This can be another reason for Pending status on Snap. In this case, when you send a Snap or text message to that friend it will show “Your Chat Will Be Pending Until “Friend Name” Adds You As a Friend.” That means your friend has decided to lower their friend list.

Message pending

3. They Blocked You

They might have blocked you on Snap and this can be another reason for “Pending” status. When someone blocks you, Snapchat won’t send any notification or mail and if anyone blocked you then that person profile will be completely hidden from you. However, in the new update, if someone blocked you on Snapchat and you send them a message it will show “Delivered” instead of “Pending”.

However, you can easily check out if someone blocked you on Snapchat or not. Just go to the search bar and search the person’s username. If you find that person, that means they unfriended you and if you can’t see the profile at all, that means they blocked you.

4. That Snapchat Account No Longer Exists

Another reason is that your friend has deleted their Snapchat account. Maybe they want a small break from Snapchat that’s why they deleted the account. According to Snapchat policy, you can delete your account and also recover within 30 days. All you have to do to recover your account is to log back in within 30 days and you will get full access.

5. Snaptchat Account Banned

They might have banned from using Snapchat and this can be the reason your message is not getting delivered. Snapchat is strict enough with its policies. If anyone harras any other person or breach the policy, then their account may be banned permanently.

6. Snapchat Server Down

Every application or website runs on servers and they might get down sometimes. Even Facebook or Instagram also went down for a few minutes. So, there might be a glitch in the Snapchat application, and that may be the reason for the pending arrow.

7. Application Glitches

Due to some technical issues or bugs, you might experience downtime in Snapchat. And that may be the reason for Pending on Snap. In this case, we suggests you to keep Snapchat up-to-date version in your Android or iOS device.

What Does Pending on Snapchat Mean?

Pending can have several meanings. You and your friend might not have friends on Snapchat, they may have unfriended you, blocked you, server down, or had any type of glitches. If Snapchat has technical issues then it will fix automatically no time. But if a friend has unfriended or blocked you then you must move on as continuous conversation after blocking might be considered as harassment and your account may be blocked.

Final Words

As you are here with a question i.e, Snapchat says Pending in Grey or Snapchat grey arrow pending. We have explained in detail what does it means and why it shows pending. If you are one of the people who faced a pending message with Grey arrow, then we hope you have understood why your message shows pending. Rest, you can also have a look at the yellow heart meaning & if you have any questions, let us know in the comments section and our team will get back to you soon.


Does Pending on Snapchat mean blocked?

No, if a friend blocks you on Snapchat then your message or Snap will show delivered. But if a friend unfriends you or has not accepted the friend request, then it will show “Pending” on Snapchat.

Why does it say pending on Snapchat but still friends?

If you are friends on Snapchat and it still shows Pending, then this might be a glitch or the Snapchat server might be down. In this case, you can wait or try re-installing the application.

What is the difference between pending and delivered on Snapchat?

Snapchat message shows Pending with GREY arrow either when someone unfriends you, or never adds you, or maybe due to app glitches. And delivered means your message or Snap is delivered. Keep in mind that if a friend blocked you on Snapchat and you send them a message, it will still show as “Delivered”.

How do I delete a pending snap on Snapchat?

To delete a pending snap, Go to that friend’s chat>Long press the Snap or text message> select Delete>Confirm Delete. And your Snap or text message will be deleted from Pending.

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